Boolean Algebra Properties

I’ll take notes on the properties to memorize them.

Property         |        AND         |        OR          |

Commutative | AB = BA | A + B = B + A |
Associative | (AB)C = A(BC) | (A+B)+C = A+(B+C) |
Distributive | A(B+C)=(AB)+(AC) | A+(BC) = (A+B)(A+C)|
Identity | A1 = A | A+0 = A |
Complement | A(A') = 0 | A+0 = A
DeMorgan's Law | (AB)' = A' + B' | (A+B)' = A'B'
Idempotent | AA = A | A+A = A
Boundedness | A0 = 0 | A+1 = 1
Involution | (A')' = A

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Tomoharu Tsutsumi

Senior Software Engineer at two industry-leading startups ( Go | Ruby | TypeScript | JavaScript | Gin | Echo | Rails | React | Redux | Next)