Getting and removing the first line and the last line in unix command.
1 min readJun 15, 2024
Sometimes forget them, so taking a note.
Getting the first line of a file
head -n 1 file.txt
For example, let’s see we have a file like below.
Flint is used for starting fires.
Some minerals like Flint are hard.
Another line without the keyword.
We can get
Flint is used for starting fires.
Getting the last line of a file
tail -n 1 file.txt
We can get
Another line without the keyword.
Removing the first line from a file
tail -n +2 file.txt
We can get
Some minerals like Flint are hard.
Another line without the keyword.
Removing the last line from a file
head -n -1 file.txt
We can get
Flint is used for starting fires.
Some minerals like Flint are hard.
grep for each argument
echo "$pat" | xargs -I [] -n1 grep [] fruits.txt # $pat is apple cherry