Request with WebMock and queries

If you would like to implement a request api stub, you have to consider WebMock first. It is very useful basically. At this time, I got confused about how to send a request with queries as a stub, so I’m going to take a note.


What if we want to send a request with queries?

For example, it is"abcdefg"

like this.

Even if you write like below,

stub_request(:post, ""abcdefg").to_return(status: 200)

it won’t work.

We have to do like this.

stub_request(:post, "").with(query: hash_including({ 'access_token' => "abcdefg" })).to_return(status: 200)

It will work!

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Tomoharu Tsutsumi

Senior Software Engineer at two industry-leading startups ( Go | Ruby | TypeScript | JavaScript | Gin | Echo | Rails | React | Redux | Next)